Mane Support Partners with Solid Ground's Tamara Foundation
SOLID GROUND’S TAMARA FOUNDATION is hosting a DISC GOLF RECREATIONAL TOURNAMENT that will take place beginning at 8:30 am on Saturday, April 21st at Clayton Disc Golf Course. All proceeds from the event will go to SOLID GROUND’S TAMARA FOUNDATION whose mission is to provide support to families in Blount County who have a child battling a life-threatening condition. We are asking for sponsorship from local businesses and individuals such as yourself to help make this event a success.
SOLID GROUND’S TAMARA FOUNDATION was created to continue the passion of the late Tamara Finley Barham, a Blount County native. Tamara, a wife and mother of two small children, at the age of 34 was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2006. After a long series of aggressive treatments, the cancer metastasized to her liver in January 2009 and eventually spread throughout her body. She passed away on December 17, 2009. Her heart’s desire was caring for and teaching children. To learn more about Tamara’s story, and our Foundation you can visit our website
If your organization would like to participate in this year’s event as a sponsor, please contact Jason Barham with the amount of your donation. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Click on the website address above to be directed to the Solid Ground's Tamara Foundation website.
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